Monday, December 12, 2011

Dear Math Teacher: Do not make my daughter cry

Today Princess Imagination took her out reading book in your math class.

Yes, that was a mistake in judgment. She’s worried about a book report that’s due soon.

You probably forgot that impulsivity is a symptom of her ADHD.

You should have said, “Princess Imagination, this is math class, not language arts. Put your book away.” Princess Imagination would have said, “Oh, right.” That could have been the end of this whole mess.

Instead, you took the book and hid it in your desk drawer. And you upset her. A lot.

Then you forgot to give the book back at the end of class. That was your mistake, not hers.

Then you weren’t in your classroom at the end of day, when she went looking for you to give her the book back. Her book report book! Now the book is in your desk, in your locked classroom. You panicked her and made her cry. She met me outside sobbing and hysterical.

Then when my older daughter tracked you down in the office, you gave her attitude. You complained about having to walk “all the way down the hall and unlock your classroom.”

You were the one who took the book. You were the one to forget to return it. You were the one not in your classroom at the end of day.

You’re very lucky my older daughter found you and not me. Mama Bear is very angry with you.

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