Monday, December 1, 2014

So worried about my mother

My mom is a survivor of breast cancer. She had a lumpectomy 17 years ago. Her lump was just 1 cm and there were no nodes involved. She had radiation therapy as a precaution, and was followed with tamoxifen. All went well. She had yearly check-ups. All clear.

This year's mammogram showed a mass on the other breast. In mid-October she had a pre-surgery sonogram with guide wires, and then a lumpectomy, with nodes removed.

She doesn't know how large the tumor was, or how many nodes may be involved. She has been given a bunch of follow-up scans and exams. Both the surgeon and her oncologist have been on vacation.
She has had a raging infection in her breast where the lumpectomy took place. The doctors have had her on antibiotics, and they have drawn out the fluid three times now. The fluid removal procedure is so painful, my mom said she will kill herself before letting them do that again.
She just saw a doctor again on November 19 and she still knows nothing, except that after the infection clears up, the doctor "will go back in and clean up." So now we know the margins were not clean.
Next step: my brother and I are trying to get some medical proxy and HIPPA authorization forms. Also, I'm making a list of questions for my mother to take with her to the doctor.


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